
Haricot Verts [Green Beans] with Shallot Dressing

Original Recipe HERE
(Very similar recipe HERE)
I picked up a package of haricot verts on a whim at Trader Joe's (which is how about 75% of my purchases can be classified there...I go in for two things and come out with several full bags).  Googling was necessary to figure out what to do with them.
The original recipe only called for one slice of bacon, which I scoffed at.  What good is one slice?  You need a minimum of four in a recipe - or, in our family's case, five (one for each member).
The kids all liked these, which is a surprise since *P* isn't a veggie eater and doesn't do much with all the other green beans that cross his plate.
4 slices bacon
12 oz haricot verts (French green beans)
3 Tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar [or white wine vinegar]
1 shallot, finely chopped
(1) In large skillet, cook bacon until evenly browned.  Set aside; wipe out most of bacon grease from pan.
(2) Sautee shallot in bacon grease until softened.  Remove from pan.
(3) In medium bowl, whisk together oil, mustard, and vinegar.  Add shallot.
(4) Meanwhile, steam haricot verts until just tender (retain some crispness).
(5) Toss haricot verts in dressing.  Serve topped with crumbled bacon.
Kid Participation: None.

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